Peddinghaus Gets Peachy in Atlanta
Visit Booth #B7867 November 6th-8th

In just 1 month FABTECH is returning to Atlanta, Georgia for North America's largest metal forming, fabricating, welding and finishing event. Hosted by the Fabricators and Manufacturers Association (FMA), the annual exhibition will fill the halls of the World Congress Center with cutting-edge technology.
Live inside the Peddinghaus booth, don't miss out on top-notch fabrication technology including the Advantage-2 drill line in tandem with the DG-1250 miter cut band saw. With its powerful material handling support, meticulous measurement capabilities and high speed designs, the Advantage-2 is ideal for tandem installations with Peddinghaus' sawing systems. Also check out the all new Anglemaster-663 angle and flat bar processor. As accurate as measuring material can be, the patent pending Roller Feed drive and measurement system from Peddinghaus has been redesigned to improve accuracy even greater than before.
Don't forget to see the HSFDB-C plate processor in action. Powerful drilling technology, unmatched material handling efficiency and superior design make the HSFDB-C the competitive edge of fabricators all over the globe. This true steel workhorse boasts a 12-station tool changer, beveling torch and can process material up to 4" (100 mm) thick! Completing booth #B7867, the PeddiAssember robotic welder powered by Zeman, the 335-DGA band saw and even Peddinghaus' original Raptor 3D CAD/CAM software!
See you in Atlanta!
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